Kimball Avenue - Nuestra Señora de las Américas Doing Justice.
Loving Mercy.
Walking Humbly With God.

The Oasis

The Oasis

Our redeveloped property at the corner of Kimball and Medill has become known as "The Oasis"—a place of refreshment and rest in the midst of the busyness of the Logan Square community. Where a building once stood, there is now a beautiful community garden providing food security for neighborhood families and an ADA-compliant meditation and prayer Labyrinth that feeds the soul. The Oasis includes rain gardens, art, gold fish ponds a turtle sanctuary.

The property design and configuration was a collaboration between Kimball Avenue Church, community stakeholders and Voice of the City's After School Matters program called "Design.Build.Grow.Eat." Since the partnership began in 2013, over 400 high school teens have participated in developing the Oasis.

The Oasis is open to the public daily from dawn to dusk. The Church also uses the Oasis for outdoor worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am (weather permitting). Everyone is welcome to enjoy the beauty and amenities of the Oasis.
(Children must be accompanied by a parent and supervised at all times. Dogs are not permitted in the Oasis except for special announced events.)

We could not have accomplished the Oasis project without the financial and in-kind contributions from the following businesses and organizations along with the members and friends of Kimball Avenue Church:

  • Corner Farm Chicago (2012-2014)
  • Voice of the City (2013 to present)
  • After School Matters (2013 to present)
  • Liberty Bank for Savings (2014 and 2015)
  • Home Depot at Kimball & Addison (2016)
  • Faith in Place (2016)
  • Chicago Community Garden Association (2016 - present)
  • Kilbourn Park Organic Greenhouse (2016 - present)
  • Gardens That Grow (2017 & 2023)